Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween sale!

I love Halloween, but I think I look forward to the day-after-Halloween-sale even more! Jack and I made it to our local Target around 9:00 this morning and the parking lot was already hopping.

I had my coupons all ready to go.

I was happy to find the Halloween merchandise marked down 30 to 50%. The soap was half off and I just happened to have a coupon, too! Woo hoo! I love when that happens!

Next, I found some non-Halloween Pez dispensers. Great little stocking stuffers and less than a dollar a piece!

I know a certain 4 1/2 year-old who would love to find this in his stocking this Christmas!

$2.49 for next year's Halloween frame! I'll just add a 2012 sticker and no one will ever know!

The Halloween/fall books and Play Doh were a splurge, but how could I resist when they were all half off?

Yep, I had fun this morning!!

One of my best finds was a 30 pack supply of mini pretzels, great for throwing in my purse for when the boys or I need a snack. Yep, 30 individually packaged treats for $2.49. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Leftover Halloween Treats

My little ones had a great time trick-or-treating, but now Halloween is over and we have a bunch of sweets in our house. What to do, what to do? I usually just keep the treats for a few days and then pitch them when they aren't as fresh. Hmm.... What about the freezer? I have more room now...

My mom made cupcakes.

My mother-in-law made sugar cookies.

I bagged the cookies up and decided to put them in the freezer.

The cupcakes went into smaller containers.

All the goodies are in my freezer, so we can enjoy just a few at a time!

Organizing Toys

From this distance it doesn't look that bad, right? The toy organizer was a fabulous gift that has allowed the boys to find a toy quite easily. Well, they were able to find farm toys in the "farm" tub or animals in the "animals" tub, until Jack went and dumped every single tub.

Yep, every single tub. Like this one, which now contains all of the "guys", characters, Happy Meal toys, etc.

And this one. The "farm" tub.

Don't forget about all of our "Little People".

The before and after shots look pretty similar, but up close, it's so much better!

My little helpers, Henry & Jack.

Counter Space

Please tell me that I'm not the only person that has a messy counter! This little space is where I organize school papers, bills, my to-do notebook, and it also houses a few other items.

Ugh! Messy, messy, messy!

I snapped the above pics and then took everything off the counter, wiped it clean, and went through everything. A few things went to the recyle bin and a few more to the trash can. It took about 15 minutes to do and looks so much better!

See the little journals? Inside I've jotted down major milestones and funny things the boys have said. I've gotten into the bad habit of jotting things on scraps of paper or posting it on Facebook. I'm hoping to get back into using these journals since they'll be right at my fingertips.