I always try to bring my reusable bags with me, wherever I shop, as it’s easier to bring everything into the house and I’m usually paid a nickel for every bag I use. Well, the other day I impulsively picked up a salad box while shopping at Aldi’s. Why, you ask?
This is why.
Since I’ve started couponing I’ve accumulated quite a stock pile, so now I have to figure out a way to organize everything. Hmm… go to Target and buy cute, expensive baskets and tubs or go to Aldi’s for groceries and take home a free box? I like free!
Here’s how it turned out.
I took everything off this shelf, sorted by type & size, took a few kitchen items to the basement (things we rarely use) and then put the box to work.
Organizing helped me realize that the next time I print a “food storage” coupon from Target's website, I should use it on Saran Wrap, as I only have one.
So there you go. Free organizing!